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Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Year that was... Annual Report 2007!

2007! A year i would not forget in a long long time.... It will be fair to call it a year full of surprises of highs and lows... a nice blend of salt and sweet... but i must admit... it was good over-all... starting on a high as always (pun intended) it was a year where i have made a huge number of new friends who i treasure, i have got back in touch with certain people i had got cut off from, lost a friend and more importantly have learned a huge deal... the first half of the year was rocking full of sweet moments with friends and family, and at a point of time i thought it wud b the very best year of the life, the second half had its share of fun as well as sorrows but has been extremely valuable as i have come through all that has happened a stronger individual and more learned... the high point of the year was the day when my CPT results were declared.. a pleasant surprise after many a sleepless nights (for various reasons). the low point well i would say the closing hour of scholastic beats 007 which didnot go the way it was planned...

Lessons learned and moments enjoyed i wish the year 2007 (my 19th) adieu and look forward for surprises in what would be my 20th year....


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