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Monday, December 17, 2007

Last week was one tough week... 6 back to back days at the office.. yes even saturday... its a pain.. seriously.... however, all the pains through the week were compensated for on sunday... a movie, loads of bhaat boka wid a 2 dear pals of mine and den... going out wid dad after quite sum time... it was a great way to sign off a hectic week... it all started today wid another stint at going to Dalhousie Square.... i went back to the grind, however, i have got quite a lot to look forward to this week, my chums from school are back in town (most of them are studying outta cal) and we are plannin sum adda and sum oder bawal plans to relive the golden days we spent together.... and well its that time of the year again.. christmas is round the corner and its a reason to celebrate.. hit the party scene in town... so lets hope for a "rocking" time....


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