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Saturday, December 8, 2007

Its a brand new day...
atlast i am done with one of the biggest tasks i had for the current semester! I HAVE FINISHED LABOURING THROUGH MY ASSIGNMENTS!!!!! And the thought makes me really happy! One big task off my shoulders... I feel like rejoicing, celebrating and having a blast only to be reminded rather rudely that I haven't yet opened my books and my exams are nearing by the minute..
Pecisely, I have about 54 days to go through 5 books(that comprise of my syllabus).
Of the aforementioned 54, 10 can be deleted by way of partying and celebrating the Yuletide Cheer and the New Year... and the rest.. well i have to get my ass down to studies for a change....... but for the moment im busy making plans to watch a movie.. hopefullly khoya khoya chaand... lets c..... if i can hit it tomorrow with sum like-minded company.....

till then..... njoi life.... and thanks for stopping by...

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