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Monday, December 10, 2007

Went to college today.. after quite sometime... it felt good to say the least.. however i dint attend any classes since classes have been dissolved.. i had gone to submit our internal assignment papers... we did spend quite a bit of time there chatting, transferring songs over bluetooth.. cracking stupid jokes and just having a fun time while some serious minded people sat in the library and tried to "study"... pretty sights they were i must say... however, they werenot too amused to see us making merry while they had to dig into there books.... we waited for our teacher to arrive before we submitted the papers and enquired about details about our exams..
after that we were off to haldirams to have a 'snack' at 1.30 in the afternoon... before heading home to get down with our books.. however i havenot still done that...
dats it for now.... catch u guys ltr...... cheers!

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