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Monday, December 3, 2007

The memories of the 2nd of December '07 will be etched in my mory for a long long time... the India Pakistan test being underway at the Eden Gardens, Kolkata; it wa sa long time dream to be a part of the action from one of the galleries at the best cricket ground of Asia. Saturday evening was tense as i kept calling a number of people to get hold of tickets to the extravaganza. A time hasd come when I gave up hope of being present at the amphitheatre of my dreams...

However, i had a bit of good luck when i got a call informing me that the tickets had been arranged for. I had sumwhat of a sleepless night, excited and looking forward to the next day... sleep hit me in the early hours of the morning, soon to be rudely woken up by my dad to tell me that i had overslept. I barely had time for a bath and quick breakfast before i set off towards Garihaat to meet my frends Somreet and Srijita before we headed to Central Avenue to pick up the tickets.. a good 45 mins later.. we were near the gates of the Eden Gardens exchanging the tickets to ensure the three of us got to sit together. We manged to get ourselves tickets in the K block of the ground.. (beside the life members block in the pavilion end of the ground). The match was underway with Kumble leading the men in white against the pakis. The pre lunch session was packed with action as 4 wickets were taken and the pakis were on the backfoot.. after lunch however, the match got boring as no wickets fell and the pakis staged a comeback with 22 centuries.. but he action was on in the stands with bizzare comments, the crowd dancing with flags, arguements with the cops on duty and ofcourse the mexican wave which even touched the distuinguished guests in the club house... the end of the day saw another wicket fall but by then we were out of the grounds strolling on the maidans and were witness to a spectacular sunset... the day was great just fantastic a dream come true for me....

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