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Thursday, November 29, 2007

Well this is my first attempt to blog. I was introduced to the concpet of blogging by a frend of mine and I thought I wud like to give it a try.... Well today i got to get back to work and i do it with a disgusted groan... back to the boring office doing mundane things in an attempt to learn the intricacies of the accounting system in the country and with the hope that some day all this hard work will pay off dividends in the form of two letters being prefixed to my name.... A lot is happening in the city right now specially India and Pakistan playing a test match at the Eden Gardens and the thought of me sitting barely 700 metres away from all the action in a dark office room gives me a sad feeling. All I can do to reassure myself is check the latest score on my mobile phone and hope that next time India plays at the Eden Gardens, I can make it there... Its been almost twleve years since i last visited the amphitheatre to witness a song and dance extravaganza to mark the opening ceremony of the '96 cricket world cup.